New to Nebraska


Students standing in fountain smiling for camera.

"There is no place like Nebraska...
is something you will hear often. Our department is here to help you discover that it is truly great to be a Husker!

- Questions or assistance, contact us, 402-472-2222

Access to Campus Facilities

Students, faculty members, staff members, and visitors at the University of Nebraska have access to facilities on campus at appropriate times. Access to some facilities is restricted to selected students, faculty members, or staff members. For example, certain classroom facilities are open only to students, faculty members, and staff members involved with classes taught there or in the operation of those facilities.

Other facilities are open to all students, faculty members, staff members, and the general public. An example of this type of facility would be the Nebraska Union dining facilities during normal business hours.


Residential Information

During your stay at Nebraska, there are a number of residential options available to you. Approved residential units include University residence halls and recognized fraternities and sororities. The University of Nebraska owns campus residential properties that provide single sex and coed residence halls, family student housing, a limited number of Greek units, and visitor accommodations. The University does not provide supervision for off-campus housing. Please visit University Housing website for more on-campus residential housing information.

Residence Halls: What to know before settling in

The residence halls accommodate three living options: halls for women, halls for men, and coeducational facilities. The visitation hours of each housing unit are determined by the residents, within the guidelines established for Nebraska. All freshman students under the age of 19 on the first day of classes are required to live in one of the approved housing units during the academic year unless living at home or with a family member.

Professional residence directors and resident assistants are members of the University Housing staff who live in the residence halls and are on call 24 hours a day. As part of their responsibility for residence hall security, these staff members attend lectures and seminars on the safety and security of the campus conducted by University administrators, police officers, and environmental health and safety officers.

University Place
CSO on duty checking in at a residential hall front desk.

Community Service Officers (CSOs) are assigned to the residence halls during the evening hours and patrol the buildings and surrounding areas throughout the night hours. As members of the University Police staff, Community Service Officers undergo training in enforcing residence hall security policies and are in immediate radio contact with University Police officers.

Hours and Access Information

Most residence hall doors are locked 24/7. To enter a residence hall, residents must be verified by electronic scanning of the student I.D. card. Both on-campus and off-campus visitors to residence halls must be escorted through the residence hall by a resident. All windows have locking devices and securely attached screens. Outward viewing door viewers are installed in residence hall student room doors. Violations of the hall security policies and procedures, including tampering with fire safety equipment or failure to comply with fire alarm evacuation protocol, may result in severe disciplinary sanctions as outlined in the Nebraska Code of Conduct.

Greek Life: Fraternities and Sororities

Fraternities for men and sororities for women provide an alternative on-campus housing option for students. Greek living units are privately owned and maintained by a local alumni corporation board or their national headquarters. However, fraternity and sorority chapters can request University recognition as an approved housing unit on an annual basis. Chapters seeking University-approved housing status must agree to enforce all University regulations and policies of the University of Nebraska which pertain to University-approved housing units. Additionally, each chapter must employ a live-in house director, sometimes referred to as a house mother.

The University expects Greek chapters to provide safe, secure living environments for their members. This includes maintaining appropriate security and fire safety systems in each Greek housing unit. A private security company provides twice weekly safety checks of Greek living units and fire safety inspections are scheduled on a regular basis to ensure chapter houses are in compliance with all city fire safety regulations. Educational sessions on security and fire safety issues are provided by staff members of the Office of Greek Affairs, University Police, Lincoln Fire and Rescue, National Headquarters staff, and community resources.

Greek living units have access to both the University Police and the Lincoln Police Departments.

Members of the Greek System posing on stairs at the City Union.

Family and Guest Housing

Idyllic neighborhood street on a sunny day.

The University also offers guest apartments and has 152 family housing apartment units for rent. Security is provided by University Police patrols. Security information is distributed to tenants by University Housing and University Police personnel.

Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, and Weapons

The legal drinking age limit in the state of Nebraska is 21. Nebraska has a drug and alcohol-free policy put forth by the Board of Regents (RP-2.1.5) and the university. What this means is that no student or employee can possess, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages and illegal drug on campus.

The University also has a tobacco-free campus policy in place. No tobacco products may be used in facilities or vehicles of the University of Nebraska. This includes electronic cigarettes or other forms of electronic smoking. Use of tobacco products on the grounds of any Nebraska site is allowed as long as such use is not within 10 feet of any building perimeter. Certain buildings have an extended proximity of 25-feet limit. Please refer to the Tobacco Free Campus Policy for further information.

Students around a table talking and laughing, having a good night out.

Possession of dangerous weapons - concealed or unconcealed - on University property, on the work-site, in University vehicles, or in personal vehicles when on University property shall be a violation of Nebraska's Weapons Policy and the Board of Regents policy (RP-6.4.8). A dangerous weapon shall include guns, knives, explosives, or any other device defined by statute or as determined by the University, which in the manner used or intended is capable of producing death, harm to person or property, or bodily injury. Violation of this policy shall make the offender subject to appropriate disciplinary or legal action. University Police provides free weapon locker storage for individuals on campus. Please contact us anytime regarding weapon storage.

If you are staying in a residential hall, please refer to University Housing's Residence Life page regarding your stay on-campus which can be found here. If you have an addiction problem and need to talk to someone or a group, please visit this helpful University Health Center page.

Severe Weather

Students walk across campus in the snow.

As many residents will tell you, the weather in Nebraska may change several times a day! We get to experience all four seasons and temperatures can range from 100+ degrees Fahrenheit in the Summer to -10 degrees Fahrenheit in the Winter. It's all part of the Husker experience.

With that in mind, all of our residents should be aware that Nebraska may have severe weather situations occur such as a tornado, blizzard, or flash flood. One of the many ways you may prepare for these situations is to sign-up for UNL Alerts. Alerts will be sent out when the threat of severe weather is near. In the meantime, please visit our Severe Weather and Tornado Warnings page.

Driving in Nebraska

We are frequently asked if an international driver's license may be used to operate a vehicle. An international driver's license will allow you to operate a vehicle up to 30 days. All international students who wish to operate a motor vehicle for a longer period must go to the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles to obtain a Nebraska Driver's License. A written test along with a driving test will be required to obtain a new license. The driving (or road test) will be waived if the driver has a license from Canada, Germany, Mexico, or any U.S. territory. More information may be found by visiting the Nebraska DMV website.

Student sits in the drivers seat of a car.

One of the best ways to enjoy life as a Husker is be able to do just that! Enjoy life!
Our department is dedicated to crime prevention safety so that all you need to do is worry about learning our fight song!

Police Emergency

Officer's badge patch with cruiser in the background.

One of the best ways to get critical information delivered to you in real time is to sign up for UNL Alerts here. Notifications of areas to avoid will be delivered to your devices by text or email to ensure your personal safety.

If you witness a crime in progress or suspicious activity, please notify us immediately by dialing the following numbers. It is also good practice to have the numbers saved to your phone contact list.

University Police Department 402-472-2222

 Crime and Medical Emergency 911

For other campus safety information, please head over to our Campus Policies and Personal Safety page under our Students Section.

Missing Students

It is always important to look out for one another in the campus community. If you have suspicions or confirmation that another person, could be your roommate or friend, is missing please immediately contact the University Police Department.

Persons who suspect or confirm a student missing who resides in campus residential facilities may also immediately notify the Residence Hall Director or other residence hall staff, in addition to University Police.

Medical Emergency

University Health Center, UNMC College of Nursing

Becoming a Husker can be a very exciting experience, but you should also be mindful of your wellness. In the event of a life-threatening medical emergency, call 911.

The Nebraska Medicine-University Health Center located at 550 N. 19th St. provides medical care in non-emergency situations. They are also a good resource on healthy living and preventative care. To schedule an appointment or to speak with a nurse call 402-472-5000.

Students may receive help after hours by calling (402-472-5000) and following the prompts to speak with a Nebraska Medicine nurse for urgent medical concerns and a counselor for urgent mental wellness concern or Bryan LGH West Minor Emergency (402-475-1011).

Below are some resources at UNL and in Lincoln that you can utilize:

Non-emergency Care

University Health Center
550 N. 19th St.
Follow prompts for after hours assistance

North Location: 27th & Cornhusker Hwy, 402-466-6389
South Location: 40th & Old Cheney, 402-434-7383

Bryan LGH West Minor Emergency
2300 S. 16th Street

Local Hospitals

Bryan LGH West
2300 S. 16th Street

Bryan LGH East
1600 S. 48th Street

St. Elizabeth's Health Center
555 S. 70th Street

Other University Offices

The following list of University offices have specially trained staff available to provide appropriate assistance to victims of criminal actions.

University Housing (24/7)
Contact Residence Director

Student Conduct & Community Standards

Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life

Women's Center

Center for Advocacy, Response, & Education (CARE)

Non-University Agencies

Voices of Hope

Association of Campus Religious Workers
Denomination phone numbers are available in all university and city directories.

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