Compliments/Complaints Form

Think an officer did outstanding job? Have an officer complaint?

Use this form to submit kudos or complaints.


  • Please fill out this form completely. Be specific if describing any service compliments or allegations of misconduct.
  • Upon receipt of this form, you will be contacted by a department representative to:
    • Discuss your complaint
    • Establish a time line for completion of this complaint investigation
    • Explain what may happen at the conclusion of this complaint investigation.
  • You will be contacted by an officer within three business days from the day this form is received.
  • You will be contacted with the results when the investigation is completed, normally within two weeks.

Note: Investigations will not be made to determine the lawfulness of an arrest or citation. Guilt or innocence of a criminal or traffic charge is determined only in court.

Personal Details
Full Name

Enter Last, First, and Middle name.


Enter a phone number that you will most likely be reachable at.

Enter an additional phone number that you can be reached.

Incidental Details

When did the incident occurr

Where did the incident take place

Enter Name, Address, and Phone Number. If multiple witnesses, enter each witness details on a new line.

Enter Name, and Agency. If multiple Police Officers, enter each officer/employee details on a new line.

Please describe what happened. Be specific.


By submitting this form, I hereby declare that the facts herein reported by me to be true and accurate. I understand that I will be contacted by the officers for investigative purposes of this inquiry. I agree to provide further information as requested.